Saturday 28 July 2012

A month update

Assalamualaikum... Lama dah rasanya xupdate blog ni.. hahaha.. dah almost a month.. so today tetibe je nak post something kat blog ni.. ni semua angkara xboleh tido.. haha, dah alang2 jap lagi nak sahur, better stay up je kan.. takut nanti terlajak lak.."terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata boleh dibicara, terlajak masa buruk akibatnya" 

Okey, lets start this post with Bismillah... Tadi admin ada terbaca blog someone ni, bunyi mcm upset, i dont know why,because admin pn xkenal dia.. haha btw just nk bg pendapat je..  "hey girl, come on.. ugot ur family to hug, to share ur stories to sit beside u, there is nothing wrong to do that with ur family because they the one that u can trust and count to.. even u are big big girl in this big big world, and u have lot of friend and fans.. are they always beside u.. like forever?? i dont think so, they also have a commitment with their family.. so better tell ur tale with ur family.."

Okey tu la advice admin untuk dia.. hey.. untuk dia.. hey untuk dia.. untuk dia... hahahaha.. btw dah seminggu berpuasa kan, hope xde yang rompong.. bukan selalu berpuasa, sekali je dalam setahun.. btw, kita pn xsure dapat jmpe ramadhan lagi or x next year.. so puasa la.. yang penting tau definisi puasa.. ikhlas.. sabar.. wah, dah macam ustaz lak kan.. hahaha...

well... banyak nak share tp malas nak taip.. malas nk create ayat.. so see yaa!! bye..