Saturday 28 July 2012

A month update

Assalamualaikum... Lama dah rasanya xupdate blog ni.. hahaha.. dah almost a month.. so today tetibe je nak post something kat blog ni.. ni semua angkara xboleh tido.. haha, dah alang2 jap lagi nak sahur, better stay up je kan.. takut nanti terlajak lak.."terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata boleh dibicara, terlajak masa buruk akibatnya" 

Okey, lets start this post with Bismillah... Tadi admin ada terbaca blog someone ni, bunyi mcm upset, i dont know why,because admin pn xkenal dia.. haha btw just nk bg pendapat je..  "hey girl, come on.. ugot ur family to hug, to share ur stories to sit beside u, there is nothing wrong to do that with ur family because they the one that u can trust and count to.. even u are big big girl in this big big world, and u have lot of friend and fans.. are they always beside u.. like forever?? i dont think so, they also have a commitment with their family.. so better tell ur tale with ur family.."

Okey tu la advice admin untuk dia.. hey.. untuk dia.. hey untuk dia.. untuk dia... hahahaha.. btw dah seminggu berpuasa kan, hope xde yang rompong.. bukan selalu berpuasa, sekali je dalam setahun.. btw, kita pn xsure dapat jmpe ramadhan lagi or x next year.. so puasa la.. yang penting tau definisi puasa.. ikhlas.. sabar.. wah, dah macam ustaz lak kan.. hahaha...

well... banyak nak share tp malas nak taip.. malas nk create ayat.. so see yaa!! bye..

Friday 22 June 2012

Mael Lambong

Hello... hai.. semalam aku tengok Mael lambong ngan kawan aku.. so nk review based dari permehatian aku pasal cita Mael Lambong and sambutan and gelagat penonton kat panggung tu... hahahaha... blom start review lg dah gelak kn.. gila apa aku ni.. btw, "hahaha" tu la review aku and word belom start lg dah gelak tu la situasi yang jadi dalam panggung tu.. maklumla, excited lebih diorang ni... 

Dalam panggung tu, aku duduk kat baris "D", sebelah aku and another 3 seat sebelah dia budak underage.. baris depan aku lak, group mamat yang excited *memang dengar suara mamat tu je la dalam panggung... so the story start with iklan, and intro.. memang funny la intro dia, maklumla Zizan kowt yang belakon.. before masuk babak Juliana Evans, semuanya kelakar.. memang gelak.. even xde la tahap gaban nye kelakar, tp still boleh gelak.. bila masuk bab Juliana Evans, kelakar tu still ada, but babak dia membawa another feeling pada penonton.. macam membuka lebih seinci mata penonton.. korang paham2 la ye.. biasa la, bila  hot chick beraksi, sapa yang xnak tgk kan... so makin bertambah excited la mamat kat baris depan aku ni... luckly innocent boy kat sebelah aku yang underage ni slow2 je excited dia.. 

So, lawak tu continue with the feeling when Juliana Evans masuk berganding dengan Zizan.. and lawak tu start ada simbor or unsur kelucahan sedikit and sekejap part Mael Lambong nak tarik kete sorang minah ni.. haha.. and that simbor continue dalam part Mael Lambong fight dengan Maria.. satu panggung gelak sbb lawak yang ada unsur2 macam tu.. aku pn gelak gak la.. even lambat tangkap.. maklumla, slow ckt.. haha.. at first aku pn xphm, napa diorg gelak, tp aku gelak kn jugak la... then after 2-3 aksi fight menunjukkan kearah itu, Mael Lambong pun siap buat muka.. aku pn gelak la.. ala, gelak pn bukan sbb apa, sbb org lain gelak, aku pn gelak la... *macam la korg xbiasa gelak sbb org lain gelak... knknkn.. kesian budak kat sblh aku tu.. mst diorg xpham... xtau la if diorg lg advance... hahaha...

The story continue dengan masuknye part Rozie, then part Tiger, but diorg bukan la dlam category important part pun dalam cita tu, just nk tambahkan keceriaan dalam cite tu je... but even though, diorg la yang membuka lebih sedikit jalan cita.. hahaha.. thanks to them, kalo x, pendek la cita tu jd nye... owh, and the crowd especially barisan seat hadapan aku tu makin excited.. untill the end diorg kekal kan part Rozie and Tiger even since diorg time kat KL tu ckt2 jew.. 

Overall, the story ok la.. not bad, leh gelak, ada feeling ckt2 tp xde la cintan.. kalo korg tengok korg phm nye la..  and ok la.. nice.. leh la tgk ngn member, tp bukan ngn ank or budak kecik.. xyah tgk ngn parents nanti korg susah nk gelak.. mst mcm segan2.. kalo korg spesis yg xsegan, go ahead la.. tu just suggestion je... so selamat la menonton Mael Lambong ok... 

p/s: kalo ada salah ejaan sory k.. malas nk check spelling.. word aku pn pasar je ni, semuanye broke even spelling.. hope jorg phm...  :)

Thursday 21 June 2012

What a day.. Evening to summary..

Bangun pagi tapi xde activity.. pagi2 dah menghadap computer, then tido after that menghadap computer again.. lucky sempat mandi pagi.. haha.. Woow!! baru aku realize betapa boringnye jadual hidup aku.. "come on.. u have to change it, no one will except u..  enough being lazy.. life should be wonderful, enjoy, great, happening.. come on.. come on.. join the community..  " haha.. ber-monolog dalaman.. (*monolong dalaman* menurut member aku, meaning dia mcm meroyan or berkata2 seorang diri.. it can be encourage, luahan perasaan, or bubbling jew)  well easy to say and easy to encourage, but nak buat sampai berjaya tu kene ada willing yang sanagt hebat baru la boleh berjaya.. especially for a lazy guy like me.. 

Mata kiri aku merah la, baru perasan time going to the toilet td.. no wonder la pedih je dari td, tough mata penat cus bangun pagi... hehehehe... hurm, aku tengok blog blogger2 yang dah lama berkecimpung dlm dunia blog ni, best je.. *tengok je, xbaca pun.. hehe... diorg nye layout nice, memang cantik.. ada mcm2 gadget kat tepi.. more photos, story, follower, memang best la.. aku nk buat mcm diorg xreti.. lom blaja lg.. ni pun baru hari ke 1 aku start blogging.. btw aku rasa xsampai 24 hours lg aku start blogging.. haaa...

Aku nak upload pic, tp xde pic yg sesuai la.. nk upload pic ape ehk?? hurm... (ko mane ade latest pic.. cus kau asik tido je, xjoin community.. xcampur masyarakat.. so go outside and snape more pic... go go..)

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Early in the morning...

Wow..  ni first time aku bgn pagi ever since aku stop kerja almost 2 bulan lepas... aku pn xtau mcm ne, tetibe terbangun pagi, but syukur sebab aku bangun.. haha for a lazy boy like me, jam 7 pagi tu really early to off the bad.. so i just catch up my ipod and listening to the radio.. "Listening to the radio" wow!! tu lagi satu pekara yang aku jarang buat.. xpernah2 aku turn on the radio in the morning.. ni semua pengaruh member la, kononnye "JOHARA  PAGI ERA" tu best.. last2 xabis pun dengar...and finally, aku on blog and start blogging.. and hasil dia ialah apa yang korang baca la ni.."tu pn kalo ada org lain baca beside aku.." haha....

Owh, btw, today 1 Sya'ban.. korang tau x.. haha.. nasib aku guna calendar islam dalam phone aku.. so xde la blurr dlm Islamic month.. well aku xde mention about mandi kan.. yup!! aku lom mandi lagi.. b4 aku start blogging td aku igat nak mandi, then tetiba dtg bau yang xmenyenangkan hidung dan akal fikiranku.. bau busuk.. *tp bukan bau aku.. aku lg wangi even xmandi* mcm bau muntah or najis kucing, something like that ...... nak cari bau tu tp mcm menyakitkan mental lak nk kene bau sana bau sini.. haha so, baik aku blogging je.. 

*today post dalam bm mix bi.. tp pasar la words dia..  thanks yoo.

Born ~ normal or abnormal

Hello.. haha.. today is the first day i wrote a blog.. actually i never like to read and write.. those "activities" make me feel dizzy, sick and it just  waste of my time... haha.. well that an opinion from a lazy boy like me.. "boy"?? i'm 24 now.. am i still a boy?? "immature thinking.."

Everyday, every hour, every sec, i dream to become a successful person, however, for a lazy boy like me, that just a dream, cus i prefer to keep dreaming and do nothing rather than try and failed.. "such a looser minded"  

I dont know why i create my own blog, why i bubbling all this nonsense thing.. hurm.. hey there, am i write correctly?? cus this is my first time, so please let me know.. advice me.. probably this is my first step to make a change of my life.. so support me.. "i ask for it, but i'm not beg for it.." Thanks.........